This website by Annenberg Media addresses issues in statistics and polling. To enter the exhibit, you must complete a short online survey about your opinion on polling. Once you enter, you are taken through a year in "a fictitious election campaign for an inside look at the mathematics behind the polls and the news you hear everyday." The website reviews concepts such as random sampling, margin of...
Located on the campus of the University of Chicago, the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) provides objective research for its clients and the general public interest in areas ranging from housing to drug abuse. On the NORC website, visitors can learn about its newest survey and research efforts, such as the Illinois Health Curriculum Study and the Residential Energy Consumption Survey....
Until recently, pollsters telephoned residential phone numbers in order to predict the outcomes of presidential elections. Today, many people use mobile phones instead of landlines; in fact, the number of households with landlines has dropped from 8 in 10 in 2008 to just 5 in 10 in 2015. In addition, cell phone owners are substantially less likely to pick up their phones when they see an unknown...
The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press serves as "an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues." As such, the center frequently release various reports on a host of topics, such as those on public attitudes about the credibility and salience of the news media and in-depth surveys and analyses of the public and...
How do polls of public opinion and political behavior work exactly? Well, it's definitely a complex answer, and when you add the mix of how exactly these polls work when done in a less "traditional" fashion, such as with the Internet, things get even more complicated. Part of the mission of the Political Communication Lab at Stanford University is "to develop and administer experimental studies of...
Are you a pollster? Would you like to be one? PollCode makes all of this quite simple. With this handy application, visitors can type in a poll question and up to 30 possible answers. Visitors can customize the poll with their own colors, font, and settings. After visitors have completed their poll, they can use the HTML code provided here to share their poll with others via social media networks...
Everyone likes polls, even if they don't always like the results. There are a number of ways to keep tabs on recent and informative polls, and is definitely one of the most comprehensive ways to do so online. From the homepage, users can look over the site's primary thematic areas, which include "Elections", "National Security", and "In the News". Within each thematic area,...
People love opinion polls, and many researchers rely on them for any number of studies. Recently, the Canadian government decided to place a great number of the public opinion research reports they have created here on this site. These reports include work contracted by a wide variety of departments and agencies, such as the Department of National Defence and Health Canada. It is worth noting that...
Before entering the main portion of this interactive introduction to statistics, visitors will have to answer a few quick questions on polls. It's actually a bit fun, and it serves as a nice introduction to the site. Once visitors are in the main site, they will get the opportunity to learn about statistics through the lens of a mock election. The site contains areas such as "How Random is...
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at the University of Connecticut is "the largest library of public opinion data in the world." Visitors to their Website may search the extensive Roper Center Archive Catalog, the Latin American Survey Data Bank, or the Japanese Survey Data Bank. The catalog and the data banks provide summary information on surveys and studies measuring public opinion...