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Earth sciences -- Periodicals


Annual Reviews: Physical Sciences

_Annual Reviews_has placed the full text of all titles in the Physical and Social Sciences suites on line. Online titles include the Physical Sciences review volumes: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Energy and the Environment, Fluid Mechanics, Materials Science, Nuclear and Particle Science, and Physical Chemistry. Online full-text...
Earth Science System Data: the Data Publishing Journal

Earth Science System Data (ESSD) is a free, online, peer reviewed journal that publishes original data sets for other members of the scientific community to use. Edited by and for scientists around the globe, ESSD endeavors to, "make data sets a reliable resource to build upon and to reward the authors by establishing priority and recognition through the impact of their articles." Thus, ESSD hopes...
Earth Science World

The American Geological Institute's Earth Science World website serves as a gateway to the geosciences. Visitors can find climate data for stations throughout the world. Users can search great images of volcanoes, lakes, minerals, dunes, and much more. The site provides a helpful interactive geological time scale. Educators and students can discover activities and themes for future Earth Science...
Journal of African Earth Sciences

From Elsevier Science, the Journal of African Earth Sciences, is devoted to "all aspects of geological investigations, especially the search for natural resources, on the African continent and its once surrounding Gondwana fragments."
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

The following journal from Elsevier Science, the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences is an interdisciplinary effort devoted to all aspects of research related to the earth sciences on that respective continent.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration

The Journal of Geochemical Exploration, a journal for environmental and economic geochemistry from Elsevier Science, offers free access to all abstracts.
Journal of Geodynamics

The Journal of Geodynamics, from Elsevier Science, focuses on "solid earth research in geodetic, geophysical, geological and geochemical geodynamics, with special emphasis on the large scale processes involved."
Journal of South American Earth Sciences

The Journal of South American Earth Sciences is an interdisciplinary effort devoted to all aspects of research related to the earth sciences on that respective continent. The Journal of South American Earth Sciences accepts work concerning South America as well as adjacent regions of the Caribbean, Central America, and the Antarctic Peninsula.