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Excavations (Archaeology) -- Turkey


TAY: Archeological Settlements of Turkey Project

This ambitious project is the first, and currently only, culture/settlement inventory of an entire country on the Internet. The TAY project was begun in 1993 "to build a chronological inventory of findings about the cultural heritage of Turkey." TAY accomplishes this mission by locating, identifying, and protecting archaeological sites, as well as providing a huge data pool and scientific...
The Assos Excavations

Located on the Aegean Sea in Turkey, the ancient city of Assos was quite a bustling metropolis thousands of years ago. It also happens to be the site where the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) had one of their very first excavations. Today, the site is overseen by archaeologist Nurettin Arslan of the University of Canakkale. This interactive online feature takes visitors inside their...