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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Logical Paradoxes

For those who believe the Web fosters only barely mindful surfing, we offer the following site as counterargument. Not to be confused with fallacies are paradoxes: "a puzzling conclusion we seem to be driven towards by our reasoning, but which is highly counterintuitive, nevertheless" -- also known as brainteasers for logicians. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (see the August 14, 1998 ...
Logic Primer

Associate Professor Colin Allen and Professor Michael Hand, both of Texas A&M University, have created an online version of their introductory logic textbook, Logic Primer (The MIT Press), to supplement the instruction of formal logic at the university level. The online text consists of four chapters that provide students with definitions, comments, examples, and exercises about natural deduction...
Philosophy Pages

Created and maintained by Garth Kemerling, Professor of Philosophy at Newberry College, this site offers a number of resources for the study of Western Philosophy. The heart of the site is the Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names, a concise hyperlinked collection of technical terms and names that occur frequently in the study of philosophy. Other features include a well-organized and...
The Fallacy Files

For those who believe the Web fosters only barely mindful surfing, we offer the following site as counterargument. The Fallacy Files, mentioned in Critical Thinking on the Web's Top Ten and authored by a former teacher of college logic, features virtually exhaustive descriptions with examples and counterexamples of logical fallacies. The fallacies are readily accessible through an alphabetical...