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Public schools -- United States

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Chicago Tribune Watchdog: School Truancy

Large, urban public school districts are faced with a host of problems, including budget cutbacks and student truancy and absenteeism. The Chicago Tribune launched this investigative report into the problems of truancy and absenteeism in the Chicago Public School system and it is well worth a closer look. On the site, visitors can read through four primary areas: The Crisis, Solutions, Lives in...
Class-Size Reduction Program

This section of the U.S. Department of Educations's Website offers clarification for those who have been hearing about government efforts to reduce elementary school class sizes. In his 1998 State of the Union address, President Clinton proposed an initiative which would provide federal funding for states to train, certify, and hire teachers. The initiative is designed to help local public schools...
Concerned about the education of young people, the Common Core organization releases the results of a recent survey

History Surveys Stumps U.S. Teens [Free registration may be required] The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy Bill Moyers Journal: Interview with Susan Jacoby Digital History 19th Century...
In an effort to provide healthier dining options for schoolchildren, the United States Department of Agriculture unveils new lunchroom dietary standards

Students to see healthier school lunches under new USDA rules USDA To Require Healthier Meals In Schools With Updated Nutrition Standards Nation's...
Minnesota Department of Health: Children's Environmental Health

With sending your children off to school can come worries about bullies, crossing streets, competition, and stress -- not to mention health. As we learn more about the school environment, it appears that measles may not be the only malady facing school children. This site from the Minnesota Department of Health, offers a comprehensive look at the hazards children face in their environment....
Senate Passes Education Bill

Yesterday the US Senate overwhelmingly passed the President's education overhaul bill, the first major reform of national education policy in 35 years. While the bill passed with a 91-8 vote, it contains elements that are sure to raise hackles on both sides fo the political divide. First, the Senate bill authorizes $33 billion in spending for the coming fiscal year. The House bill puts aside...
The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of U.S. Public Schools

Throughout the United States, there has been a growing concern about the future of the racial and ethnic makeup of public school districts. After a number of prominent court decisions, some people have become concerned that many school districts will become segregated again in a matter of years. Recently, the Pew Hispanic Center's Rick Fry authored an important report on the changing racial and...