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Aging -- Economic aspects

OECD countries (1)


National Bureau of Economic Research: Bulletin on Aging and Health

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) produces a staggering array of working papers, research documents, and policy briefs for use by people in the public and private sectors. Since the fall of 2002, they have published over 40 installments of their "Bulletin on Aging and Health". Visitors to the site can take advantage of their research and insights by browsing around this archive....
The Kaiser Family Foundation: Medicare and Medicaid at 40

The Medicare and Medicaid health programs are two of the most influential government policies. Signed into law forty years ago, they have continued to provide medical protection to a wide range of people in American society. To celebrate and document the achievements of this program, the Kaiser Family Foundation has created this site, which contains a number of helpful materials, including a...