This tutorial, hosted by The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP), covers most of the basics needed to understand and use the Linux operating system (OS). A derivative of UNIX, Linux is a popular OS used in many technical applications. Thus, it is probably not intended for home users. It is mostly text-based, but there are some screenshots and figures of various tools. The author does a good job...
The Linux guru (or guru wanna-be) should bookmark this site. Linux is UNIX freeware available for Intel's x86, Motorola's 680x0, DECS's Alpha CPU and Sun's sun4c and sun4m machines, and is currently being ported to the PowerPC architecture. This meta-site contains documentation in many different languages, links to a great number of applications and utilities that run on Linux, user groups...
The open source software movement has been gaining momentum over the past few years, as was affirmed by a fairly major announcement from the local government of Munich, Germany in May 2003. The city's decision to switch all of its 14,000 computers to run open source applications and operating systems is described in a news article from Computer World.
In contrast to high level languages like C and Java, assembly language programming is more fundamental to computer operation. This site has extensive information about different assembly languages, including Windows, Linux, and DOS. There are online books, titled The Art of Assembly Language Programming, that can be downloaded for each of these platforms. These books are excellent for beginners....