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Fraud -- European Union countries


Committee of Independent Experts: First Report Regarding Allegations of Fraud, Mismanagement and Nepotism in the European Commission

Released on March 15, 1999, this report has created the worst political crisis in the European Union's 42-year history. The 140-page report by independent experts looked into charges of widespread fraud, nepotism, and corruption in the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, and found numerous cases where "commissioners or the Commission as a whole bear responsibility for instances of...
First Report of the Committee of Independent Experts: First Report of the Committee of Independent Experts Regarding Allegations of Fraud, Mismanagement and Nepotism in the European Commission

Released on March 15, 1999, this report has created the worst political crisis in the European Union's 42-year history. The 140-page report by independent experts looked into charges of widespread fraud, nepotism, and corruption in the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, and found numerous cases where "commissioners or the Commission as a whole bear responsibility for instances of...
Protecting the Communities' Financial Interests and the Fight Against Fraud: Annual Report 1998

The Fight Against Fraud report for 1998 was created by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). According to this 68-page report, suspected and established frauds and irregularities affecting traditional resources to the detriment of the Community budget in 1998 totalled $128,538 million. This has been caused by the black marketing of alcohol and cigarettes.
The EU's Dark Hour: Special Report

Released on March 15, 1999, a 140-page report by independent experts looked into charges of widespread fraud, nepotism, and corruption in the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, and found numerous cases where "commissioners or the Commission as a whole bear responsibility for instances of fraud, irregularities or mismanagement." In response, the President of the Commission, who is...