The Hispanic Reading Room site from the Library of Congress brings together over a dozen digital collections crafted from primary and secondary source materials related to Luso-Hispanic cultural history. The collections offered on this site include the Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake as well as a collection on Puerto Rico and the Dawn of the Modern Age. This last area contains a small...
Created in 1992, Latino USA remains the longest running Latino-focused program on radio. Its team is dedicated to reporting stories about "diversity, culture, civic dialogue and how people live (and struggle) with difference." The show is hosted by Maria Hinojosa, and visitors to the site can listen to the latest installment of the program or download podcasts. The Special Reports area includes...
Readers may wish to revisit this resource from the 09-20-2019 Scout Report for a panel discussion between barrier breakers and STEM superstars from the Latinx community.
!Latinos STEM Up! was a panel discussion hosted by NASA's Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) on October 12, 2017, as part of HOLA's Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations. This discussion focused on "the contributions...
Social studies and humanities educators at a variety of levels should check out this teacher's guide assembled by the folks at EDSITEment to help celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15). This guide puts together numerous high-quality resources created for EDSITEment and other National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) projects, in addition to resources from around the...
Established in 1969, the Chicano Studies Research Center at UCLA places a premium on "interdisciplinary and collaborative research that analyzes issues critical to the knowledge of Chicano and Latino communities in the United States." Visitors to their site will find information on their ongoing research projects, such as the Mexican-American Study Project, a 30-year longitudinal and...