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United States. President (1993-2001 : Clinton).


Clinton's Latest Effort at Peace in Mideast Fails

Yesterday, Palestinian officials announced they could not accept the terms of Clinton's latest peace proposal -- publicly delineated for the first time by the President this weekend in a speech to an American Jewish organization. With the President himself admitting that an agreement before he left office now seemed unlikely, he dispatched US envoy Dennis Ross to the region in a last effort to...
Search the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States

In early 2001, the Government Printing Office added Vol. 1 (January-June 1999) to its online collection of President Clinton's public papers, which are papers and speeches of the President issued by the Office of the Press Secretary. Users may access documents from the latest and previous releases via a keyword search engine at the search page. The full-text documents are offered in HTML and .pdf...
The state of our union is the strongest it has ever been

Last night, President Clinton delivered his final State of the Union address. Crafted in partnership with Democratic members of Congress, the very ambitious address was a veritable laundry list of new initiatives and expanded programs, totalling hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending. Coming in at 89 minutes and interrupted 128 times by applause, the speech was the longest State of the...
US House of Representatives Impeachment Inquiry Draft

On December 9, 1998, the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Republicans released a draft resolution containing four articles of impeachment. The Committee Democrats responded with a proposed censure resolution as an alternative to impeachment. The articles will now be debated by Committee members, amended, and voted on individually. Most analysts agree that at least one article will...