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Human chromosomes


Chromosome 20 Sequenced

Scientists announced Wednesday that they had deciphered chromosome 20, the largest of the three chromosomes to be sequenced thus far. Researchers hope that this latest advance by the Human Genome Project will help explain why some people are more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes or obesity. Also the gene that seems to make some a higher risk for Cruetzfeldt--Jakob Disease, the human...
Cytogenetics Gallery

Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes and chromosome abnormalities. This website, created by staff at the University of Washington's Department of Pathology, offers visitors "the opportunity to see what chromosomes look like under the microscope and how abnormalities of chromosomes are identified." Those persons who might need a refresher on what a chromosome is can click on a brief description...
Structures and Functions of Genomes

The BioEd Online website brings together a range of resources designed to help biology teachers educate their students about everything from microbes to genetics. This particular slide set was created by Dr. Raye L. Alford and it uses diagrams, charts, and a range of other illustrative materials. The topics covered here include mitochondria, eukaryotic genomes, and chromatin and DNA packaging....
X or Y-Does it Make A Difference?

BioEd Online has providing helpful resources for biology teachers for years, and they have recently placed this "ready-to-go" lesson online for use by educators. The basic objective of this particular resource is to have students learn to describe the functional differences of X and Y-chromosomes. To make this possible, the lesson includes four articles, worksheets, and several discussion...