From the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) page contains real time sea level data which can be modified by site and transmitter, type of data set, database, and time range. Data may be viewed through a browser or downloaded (.dbf, .gz).
The Natural Hazards Center of the University of Colorado Boulder offers a free online professional hazards publication called the Natural Hazards Observer. Readers will find information on current disaster issues; new international, national, and local disaster management, mitigation, and education programs; hazards research; political and policy developments; new information sources; upcoming...
The ProVention Consortium is a "global coalition of governments, international organizations, academic institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations dedicated to increasing the safety of vulnerable communities and to reducing the impact of disasters in developing countries." Organized by the World Bank, the Consortium and its Web site are dedicated to disseminating materials and...