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Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Drama


Folger Digital Texts

As this website proclaims, visitors of the page will find "Timeless Texts” and “Cutting-Edge Code,” culled from the words of the Bard. This code refers to the source code that users can download from the site, allowing interested parties to develop new noncommercial Shakespeare projects and apps. To get started, visitors can access the Read a Play feature. There's a brief introduction to the...
Folger Shakespeare Library

The Folger Shakespeare Library opened in 1932 as a gift to the United States from Henry Clay Folger and his wife Emily Jordan Folger. Located in Washington, DC, the Library continues to be administered by a board of governors from Amherst College, Mr. Folger's alma mater. As one might imagine, the site has a great deal to offer those looking for materials related to Shakespeare, and the "Discover...
Making a Scene: Shakespeare in the Classroom

The Folger Shakespeare Company can help readers brush up on their Taming of the Shrew and much, much more. This lovely blog is designed to help teachers utilize Shakespeare in the classroom via posts on suggested activities and conversations about scenes from Romeo and Juliet, the Merchant of Venice, and many other works by the Immortal Bard. The posts are written by teachers from all around the...
New book claims to identify the ‘real’ Shakespeare

Focus: Is this an imposter I see before me,,2087-1817581,00.html Welcome to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust [pdf] Royal Shakespeare Company [Macromedia Flash Player] Shakespeare’s...
PBS: In Search of Shakespeare

Ben Jonson's now legendary epitaph for William Shakespeare ("He was not of an age, but for all time"), has become part of the common lore surrounding the man who is arguably the most famous playwright of all time. Numerous documentaries exist focusing on the Immortal Bard, but this new four-part series from PBS (with this accompanying website), represents the first time that a full-scale life of...
Shakespeare in the Parlor

Shakespeare's works were quite popular within the United States from the time of the early colonies, but the first illustrated version of the bard's works did not appear until the 1840s. Between 1844 and 1847 Gulian C. Verplanck's "Shakespeare Plays" was published, complete with elaborate illustrations. This digital collection from the American Antiquarian Society brings together a range of...
Shakespeare's First Folio

The University Library at Leeds Brotherton invites visitors to dive into Shakespeare's First Folio, a resource highlighting "the significance of the book and the history of this particular copy." The website is nicely set up to allow viewers to page through a table of contents, where commentary written by Shakespearean scholars is provided, along with the digital version of the folio. For example,...
Treasures in Full: Shakespeare in Quarto

With this website, the British Library brings collation (the comparison of variant texts in different copies of a printed book), formerly the province of literary scholars, into the hands of any interested novice. Shakespeare in Quarto presents digitized versions of all 21 of Shakespeare's plays that were published in quarto before 1642. These 21 plays appeared in more than 70 quarto editions, and...