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Research -- Computer network resources

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Boston University Digital Common

Boston University has a range of scholars, from those who research the hospitality field to others who are fascinated by the world of photonics. The University's Digital Common Repository contains thousands of documents and publications that span this wide range, authored or co-authored by BU faculty, students, and staff. The different communities here are divided into sections that include...
Boston University Libraries: Research Guides

Many libraries compile research guides for their community members, and some of them are quite good. Staff members at the Boston University Library system have worked on well over 40 such guides, and they are available on this site. By clicking on the "Subject Guides" tab, visitors will find topics arranged alphabetically (from "accounting and auditing" to "women's studies"). Each guide features...
Conducting Research Surveys via Email and the Web

While many visitors to commercial websites may find themselves asked to take part in any number of marketing-type surveys, more and more scholars are attempting to use the web to create well-defined surveys to examine academic questions. This intriguing publication from the RAND Organization (conducted by Matthias Schonlau, Ronald D. Fricker, Jr., and Marc N. Elliott) examines the validity of a...
Digital Research Tools

As more and more scholars grow interested in the world of digital research, this tremendously useful wiki will be one that they will tell their colleagues about. Created by Lisa Spiro, the director of the Digital Media Center at Rice University, this collaborative wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Visitors...
Modeling And Simulation Tools For Education Reform

Created by the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc., the Modeling And Simulation Tools for Education Reform (MASTER) provide useful educational tools that help students and teachers learn through observation and modeling activities. The Shodor Foundation worked in tandem with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, George Mason University, and other educational organizations to craft...
National Undergraduate Research Observatory

The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Northern Arizona University and Lowell Observatory "is a consortium of primarily undergraduate institutions which have joined together to provide hands-on training and research experiences for undergraduate students." While the Key Projects link is under construction, users can find out about past student projects at the Undergraduate...
Smithsonian Research Online

Every week, every month, and every year, the Smithsonian Institution and its various entities produce publications that appear online and in digital form. One could imagine that looking for each document separately would be quite time-consuming. Fortunately, the Smithsonian Research Online site allows visitors to look for such documents quickly and efficiently. On the left-hand side of the page,...