Amicus is a new online supplement to Harvard's Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, and focuses on internet-based civil rights and civil liberties scholarship. It has an unfussy, attractive design that makes it easy to see what's new on the site. The site is divided up into "Recent Developments", "Policy Pieces", and "CR-CL Conversations". There is an online archive available to keep track...
Amnesty International, one of the world's foremost human rights organizations, has recently published its 1998 Annual Report. The web version is not complete, but it does offer lengthy summaries of human rights concerns and abuses in a large number of countries. Users can view regional summaries with links to specific nations or access summary reports on specific nations, through the regional...
Amnesty International (AI), one of the world's foremost human rights organizations, recently released its 2000 Annual Report. As always, the report "documents human rights issues of concern to AI worldwide" during the previous year as well as reporting on "the activities AI has undertaken during the year to promote human rights and to campaign against specific human rights abuses." The report...
Released on May 30, this year's annual report from Amnesty International (AI) takes particular aim at torture and the death penalty, as well as urging governments to protect rights that may be threatened by globalization. The report begins with a Forward by AI Secretary General Pierre Sane and an extensive Introduction, both of which are also available in .pdf format. The bulk of the report is a...
Released several weeks ago, the Amnesty International Report 2005 documents the somewhat disturbing trends across the globe, as numerous nations and international organizations have failed to effectively act to avert a number of humanitarian crises. Many different parties will find the report helpful, as this site offers access to regional overviews and a list of countries that visitors can peruse...
Human Rights Watch issued their annual world report last week, summarizing the state of human rights in 66 countries around the globe. Written with the clarity and detail that marked previous annual issues, this year's report is distinguished by its note of guarded optimism. The report cites two main trends as evidence of a partial dismantling of national sovereignty as an impenetrable defense for...