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El Nino Current -- Observations


El Niño - When the Pacific Ocean Speaks, Earth Listens

NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs provides the El Nino/La Nina Watch page, with color images (and accompanying descriptions) of the retreating La Nina.
Global Variations in Droughts and Wet Spells: 1900-1995

This scientific article, by Aiguo Dai and others, was originally published in September 1998 in Geophysical Research Letters (Vol 25 No 17, Pps. 3367-3370). The authors calculated the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) globally, "using gridded monthly air temperature and precipitation." Since the late 1970s, the authors found, tracking El Nino cycles, that there were large changes in dry and wet...
Influence of mean climate change on climate variability from a 155-year tropical Pacific coral record

The NOAA Paleoclimatology Program posts data sets from recently published research articles. This data set is from an article by F.E. Urban et al., published in the October 26, 2000 issue of Nature [v.407, pp. 989-993]. Included here are the abstract, four figures (color), and links to the "del 18O data" and data description.
NOAA: Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project (TAO)

NOAA's Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project (TAO) supplies "real-time data from moored ocean buoys for improved detection, understanding, and prediction of El Nino and La Nina." The website provides materials on the Project's field operations and research, collaborations, and moored buoy panels. Users can display times series, time section, latitude/longitude map, and depth-selection data....