The US Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has recently placed online this report, which "provides national data about the condition of public schools in 1999 based on a survey conducted by NCES using its Fast Response Survey System." In it, readers will find information on the condition of school facilities and estimated costs to repair them, school plans for...
Conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), "the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) is the nation's largest sample survey of the characteristics and conditions of America's public and private schools and the teachers and principals who work in them." The SASS provides detailed data on both the public and private sectors as well as on those schools administered by the Bureau...
This report, Teachers' Tools for the 21st Century: A Report on Teachers' Use of Technology, "uses multiple data sources to describe teachers' use of education technology in their classrooms and schools." It examines the availability of computer and Internet technology in the classroom, teacher training and preparation for using such technology, and the barriers that teachers encounter to its use....