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Water table -- United States.


View Resource Drought Watch '99

Blistering summer temperatures have brought drought conditions across large sections of the United States, especially in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and upper Ohio Valley regions. This new site from the US Geological Survey (USGS) offers a number of drought resources. These include the latest condition reports for selected states and realtime streamflow data from the mid-Atlantic region; links to...
View Resource Groundwater Atlas of the United States

The US Geological Survey describes the location, extent, and geologic and hydrologic characteristics of major aquifers in the United States in the Groundwater Atlas of the United States Website. The groundwater resources of the US are broken down into specific regions, which are described in chapters. Some of the chapters are not available online, but the chapters that are available include...
View Resource U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Surf Your Watershed

This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website allows users to locate, use and share environmental information about their state and watershed. Using the interactive map, users can locate their watershed and discover geologic, chemical, and geographical information. Visitors can learn how to adopt a watershed and locate citizen-based groups. The Watershed Atlas provides data and...