The central claim of this website is that people (both women and men) have been active in science for as long as we have been human, noting that "_Science_ -- the creation of structure for our world -- _technology_ -- the use of structure in our world -- and _mathematics_ -- the common language of structure -- all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the...
In recent years, there has been some rather positive news about the absolute number of women who are choosing to go to college. In short, there are more of them then ever, and they are moving towards constituting a statistical majority of the college-age population. What many consider to be quite troubling is the fact that relatively few women are able to effectively pursue advanced careers in...
The University of Wisconsin - Madison Oral History Project began as an effort to interview prominent emeritus faculty members about their research and careers at the University. The Project's scope has expanded now to include interviews with campus administrators, staff, and students as well as faculty. Several themes have been taken up over the years, such as the Teaching Assistants Strike of...