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Coral reef ecology

Hawaii (1)
Moorea (French Polynesia) (1)
Research (2)
Study and teaching (4)


Coral Bleaching -- Will Global Warming Kill the Reefs?

This Web site from the Australian Academy of Science presents "reliable and up-to-date information" about coral reefs as part of Nova: Science in the News. This online educational series provides background information on timely issues to secondary school teachers (or any other interested reader). Visitors will find a brief overview of the biology and environmental status of coral reefs and an...
Coral Reef Information System: Discover NOAA's Data

Part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS), this Web site is "designed to be a single point of access to NOAA coral reef information and data products, especially those derived from NOAA's Coral Reef Initiative Program." With Discover NOAA's Data, users can access information by a text search of metadata records, or by a spatial search using...
EEMB Faculty: Robert Warner

In the December 16, 1999 issue of Nature, researchers from Australia and California used chemical tests to show that coral reef fish often spend their life cycle close to home, rather than drifting in the open ocean. These findings have important implications for global fisheries management. This site provides further information on Robert Warner, one of the lead researchers on the UC Santa...
Expeditions in Conservation: Mesoamerican Reef

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recently completed this expedition of the largest coral reef system in the Atlantic Ocean and has provided an opportunity for Web users to share some of what they experienced. Visitors can view spectacular photos and videos to learn about the reef and the creatures that reside there, as well as read the daily reports of the expedition. The site offers much more in...
National Ocean Service: Welcome to Corals

This well-designed website was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service (NOS) to educate high school students and others about coral reefs. The site contains the following three main components: a tutorial providing an overview of coral reefs; two downloadable lesson plans; and links to a variety of online information about coral reefs from the...
NOAA's Coral Reef

In an effort to centralize information on Coral Reefs, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched this site on Coral Reefs. The site serves both as a news resource (see the frequently updated News Releases section) as well as a basic information resource (see Year of the Reef 1997 and Coral Reef Photos) on coral reefs. For information on current research (scientific...
Reef Check

Reef Check, headquartered at the Institute of the Environment at the University of California Los Angeles, is a "volunteer, community-based monitoring protocol designed to measure the health of coral reefs on a global scale." With scientific reef surveys conducted in over 60 countries and territories, Reef Check has been able to track global trends in reef health to better inform possible...
Sea and Sky: The Ocean Realm

The Ocean Realm is part of Sea and Sky, an award-winning, nonprofit website created by J.D. Knight, an Orlando-based Web designer, amateur astronomer, and marine aquarium hobbyist. The Ocean Realm offers two features: Reef Life, a presentation of animals who inhabit corral reefs; and Monsters of the Deep, an exploration of animals found in deep zones of the ocean. Reef Life contains gorgeous...
Sea Slug Forum

Produced by the Australian Museum and maintained by Dr. Bill Rudman, the recently redesigned Sea Slug Forum is an excellent resource for information on nudibranchs and related sea slugs such as bubble-shells, sea hares, and side-gilled slugs. One of the chief features of the site is a lengthy species list that links to lovely photos, brief descriptions, distribution information, and related...

Created by Teresa Zubi, a certified PADI divemaster and marine life enthusiast, Starfish is an artful website that shares images of, and information about, life in coral reefs. Ms. Zubi has photographed many forms of marine life during her numerous dives, and the Starfish site features a collection of over 1,000 great underwater photos of invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, marine plants, and more....
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