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Marine resources conservation -- United States


NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management

In light of a number of recent events, there is increased concern about the management of America's coastal and ocean resources. It is a pressing issue for economic reasons, along with the simple fact that over fifty percent of the U.S. population lives close to the coastlines of two oceans and the Great Lakes. Persons interested in these matters will appreciate the NOAA Office of Ocean and...
NOAA's Ocean Service Office of Response and Restoration

The mission of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration includes providing "scientific and technical support to prepare for and respond to oil and chemical releases", along with working to protect and restore marine and coastal ecosystems. On the homepage, visitors will find the "Current News" area a good place to start. Here they can learn about current response situations and some of the...
Year of the Ocean Discussion Papers

The United Nations declared 1998 the Year Of The Ocean (YOTO) (see the February 4, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). To address issues related to the ocean, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has provided these full-length Discussion Papers covering a wide range of topics including Marine Transport, Sustainability of Ocean Living Resources, Coastal Tourism and...