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Education, Higher -- Directories


California Virtual Campus

California Virtual Campus is essentially a catalog of every virtual or technology-mediated distance education course or program offered by participating California colleges and universities. Users can search for a particular course or find information about pursuing a complete program of study from certificate level to PhD. The site summarizes important information about each course or program,...
College Profiles

For many young people, fall brings a new school year, and for high school seniors, a sense of excitement and trepidation about looking for the college that will best serve their educational needs. The College Profiles Web site will be a valuable resource for them and their parents or guardian. The site provides brief sketches of thousands of colleges and universities, along with materials on the...
Higher Education Resource Hub

Developed and maintained by James Forest, the Higher Education Resource Hub is a fine source of information about the field of higher education within the United States and around the world. Most of the site's sections can be reached from the home page, and deal with such topics as assessment in higher education, news, and recent publications that feature research on higher education. Another...