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Electronics -- Materials

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View Resource Bookmarks for Electronics Designers

Electrical design engineer Lazar Rozenblat was once told in college that "an engineer does not have to remember everything, but should know where to find the information he/she needs." Following that advice, Rozenblat has put together this "one-stop informational resource on Power Electronics /SMPS design." The website provides links to engineering reference information and design resources and is...
View Resource IEEE: Power Electronics Society (PELS)

IEEE's Power Electronics Society (PELS) "helps in the development and effective application of power electronics technology." Power electronics is definted as "the application of electronic circuits to energy conversion," which is used "everywhere you look," including in computers automobiles, telecommunications, space systems and satellites motors, lighting, and alternative energy. The PELS...
View Resource Superconductor Information for the Beginner, a non-profit, non-affiliated Website, provides this clear introduction to the world of superconductors. Starting appropriately with Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, the first man to observe superconductivity in 1911, a history of superconductors section familiarizes students and laymen with the development of materials that have no resistance to the flow of electricity. Subsequent...