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Mythology, Greek

Dictionaries. (1)


Classics Unveiled

Classics Unveiled was developed by Neil Jenkins, Sumair Mirza and Jason Tang as a way to teach the web-browsing public about the various aspects of the ancient world, ranging from the massive world of Greek and Roman mythology, Roman history, Roman culture, and the Latin language and its pervasive influence on English. The site is divided into four primary areas, and visitors may opt to browse...
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts

Almost every culture throughout the world has a long tradition of folklore and myths, with some of the tales having dozens of variations and permutations. Retired professor D.L Ashliman has placed hundreds of these tales on this well-designed website for the edification of the web-browsing public. While the site does not have an internal search engine, visitors can look through the available...
Gods, Heroes, and Monsters Curriculum

The J. Paul Getty Museum offers an informative and learned treatment of the use of mythological images in European art, including the God of War, Mars. Readers may like to begin with the introduction on the landing page, which describes the curriculum. From there, they may like to explore the Lesson Plans, each of which focuses on an ancient object housed at the Getty, such as the 2nd Century...
Greek Gods: Medicine from the Gods to Galen

Along with their monumental achievements in the fields of architecture and philosophy, the Greeks bequeathed to subsequent generations many insights into the practice of medicine -- along with observations about anatomy and physiology. This online exhibit, sponsored by the National Library of Medicine's History of Medicine Division, offers a brief overview of these discoveries. Before reading the...