BBC Online presents this six-part special on sustainable development. Created in anticipation of the now concluded Johannesburg Summit, this Web site provides a valuable resource for viewers wishing to learn more about sustainable development and related issues. The Web site consists of an overview and six sections: Population, Food, Cities, Waste, Tourism, and Energy. The sections offer an...
As part of the upcoming 2002 Johannesburg Summit, the United Nations report "Global Challenge, Global Opportunity: Trends in Sustainable Development" was issued on August 13, 2002. The report, in part, tells that "if current patterns of development continue, nearly half of the world's people will suffer from water shortages within the next 25 years, the use of fossil fuels, along with greenhouse...
The World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) and its Committee on Technology outline on this Web site the roles of engineers for sustainable development. There is specific attention given to environmental protection and restoration with respect to energy use, natural resource extraction, and transportation. Worldwide progress toward sustainable development is considered, especially...