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Remote sensing

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Antarctic Mapping Mission (AMM)

Images from the Antarctic Mapping Mission (AMM) are now available. The goal of the AMM is to complete the mapping of Antarctica using high resolution imaging. The Canadian Space Agency's RADARSAT satellite was launched in 1995, with high resolution mapping of Antarctica beginning September 26, 1997. RADARSAT furnishes standard-2 images of the south pole beginning on September 13.
Center for Spatial Technologies And Remote Sensing (CSTARS)

Based at the University of California at Davis, CSTARS conducts research devoted to "interpretation of remote sensing imagery, applications of geographic information systems, and landscape modeling of vegetation, hydrology, and climatology." The main contribution of the homepage is the collection of research papers (many with hyperlinks) and reports, ranging across the fields of landscape ecology...
Evaluation of Airborne Image Data for Mapping Riparian Vegetation Within the Grand Canyon

A US Geological Survey Open-File Report has recently been released entitled "Evaluation of Airborne Image Data for Mapping Riparian Vegetation Within the Grand Canyon." The 65-page document explains how the study "examined various types of remote-sensing data that have been acquired during a 12-month period over a portion of the Colorado River corridor to determine the type of data and conditions...
JPL Sensor Webs Project

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has devised a remarkable new type of sensor that could revolutionize the way scientists gather data. A Sensor Web is a network of many individual sensors that are about the size of a ping-pong ball. By themselves, they collect a single measurement-like temperature or humidity. But an entire Sensor Web can be spread out over a very large area and collect vast...
Lake Water Monitoring and Analysis with Satellite Remote Sensing

From the Environmental Remote Sensing Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison comes the Lake Water Monitoring and Analysis with Satellite Remote Sensing Web site. Researchers and their cooperators have developed a method of assessing the water quality of Wisconsin's lakes from space using satellite imagery. Visitors to the site can read about how this is actually done, view an interactive...
Louisiana State University: Earth Scan Laboratory

Louisiana State University's earth station for NOAA polar orbiting and geostationary satellites collects, analyzes, interprets, and distributes earth environmental data. Researchers can view abstracts of the many publications authored by people associated with the laboratory. The web site offers a large quantity of detailed imagery from GOES, MODIS, and other remote sensing equipment as well as a...
Mapping the Earth from Space

Every few years, new satellite images of the earth's surface are acquired from remote sensors aboard a space craft. Because the technology associated with satellite imagery improves so rapidly, these new images generate a wave of excitement throughout the scientific community, representing an opportunity to view the earth's surface at a level of detail (resolution) and accuracy never achieved...
Remote Sensing and Image Analysis

Assistant professor Peng Gong in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California Berkeley has created the Remote Sensing and Image Analysis online textbook. Students can learn about the physical basis of remote sensing, remote sensing systems, integrated analysis of multisource data, and many other subtopics. A bit advanced, college and some high...
Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) (described in the October 2, 1998 Scout Report) provides the Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data set. The dataset ranges from October 1978 to December 1996 and includes "daily and monthly averaged sea ice concentrations in binary and .gif format derived from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I F8, F11, and F13 daily...
The Use of Remote Sensing in Meteorology

First, NASA provides a tutorial on the use of satellites to observe terrestrial atmosphere and climate change throughout the world (1). After extended introductions of the various meteorological satellites, users can find information on forecasting el Ni'os, snow events, flooding, and other events. The second website, developed by The Network of European Meteorological Services (EUMETNET), offers...
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