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A Cockroach Inspired Robot with Artificial Muscles

The Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) has created many unique robots. This research paper describes the process of designing and constructing one of the newest creations, a robotic cockroach. Weighing over 30 pounds, the CWRU Robot V is much larger than its real-life counterpart but its design closely approximates the movements of an actual roach....
A Nano-Robotic "Arm" Prototype Is Built From Synthetic DNA

The week's In The News addresses a recent advancement in the scientific field of molecular nanotechnology. The scientists, Nadrian Seeman and colleagues, at New York University (NYU), have built a nano-robotic prototype from synthetic DNA. This recent major accomplishment was also reported in Nature, (Nature 397: 144-146, Jan. 14, 1999). This controllable molecular mechanical device has "two rigid...
A Survey of Socially Interactive Robots

The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University is very active in the development of robots whose function relies on efficient communication and interaction with people. Published in 2003, this comprehensive study looks at the history, operation, and classification of a large sampling of socially interactive robots from both industry and academia. The authors define and discuss several...

As part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, this is is a well-planned Web site devoted to the research and development of Cog, a humanoid robot. Combining robot mechanics with artificial intelligence, Cog is the closest thing yet to Star Wars's C3PO. Highlights of the site include an in-depth research section with links to papers on relevant topics...
Humanoid Robot

Honda is widely known as a major car manufacturer, but it is also an innovator of new robot technologies. The company's "humanoid robot research and development plan" seeks to create a highly mobile, intelligent robot with the potential to benefit society. After many years of work, considerable progress has been made, and this is described in detail on this site. An overview of the development of...
Modular Robotics

The Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) is a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation. One of its most intriguing areas of study is "modular reconfigurable robotics," which is a technology that allows a robot to take itself apart and put itself back together again in a new form. This lets the robot customize its design for a given task. Several different models of robots have been constructed at the PARC, and...
Robot Hall of Fame

The School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University's Robot Hall of Fame honors "landmark achievements in robotics technology and the increasing contributions of robots to human endeavors." The website groups robots into two categories: Robots from Science and Robots from Science Fiction. Robots from Science includes "real robots that have served useful or potentially useful functions and...
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search: Antarctica 2000

Carnegie Mellon University's Field Robotics Center is responsible for sending the NOMAD robotic vehicle into the Antarctic to search for meteorites. "Nomad uses robotic technologies to search Antarctic areas, distinguish interesting rock types, and provide autonomous assessment of the terrestrial or extraterrestrial origin of each rock." During the month of January, the robot found four...
Robotic Pets in Online Discussion

Pet owners traditionally develop an emotional bond with their pets. However, in this unusual study from the University of Washington, researchers attempted to ascertain whether similar feelings can be evoked from Sony's robotic dog AIBO. The study's methodology involved analyzing "people's conceptions of AIBO through their spontaneous postings that occurred in 3 well-established online AIBO...

Recent news coverage on the Mars Rover has sparked a renewed interest in robotics. Projects like the Personal Exploration Rover (see under Education in this report) are bringing this technology to K-12 classrooms, while others are exploring the ways scientists can match the technology to the needs of people. This Topic in Depth offers a closer look into research on robotics and the many uses of...
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