Who doesn't love a good night's sleep? The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard and WGBH have collaborated to produce the Healthy Sleep website to help "illuminate the relevance of sleep, explain the underlying science of sleep, and, most importantly, provide practical information for getting the sleep you need." Visitors interested in getting the sleep they need will find the many videos and...
Unveiled on January 18 by the National Institute of Health's (NIH) National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (NCSDR), this site offers information on sleep disorders and related resources for both the general public and the scientific community. Patient and public information includes fact sheets, HealthBeat Radio News audio clips, public service announcements, an interactive quiz, and related...
Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Biological Rhythms is a curriculum unit (for grades nine through twelve) offered through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Curriculum Supplement Series. This unit was developed collaboratively by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and other groups as "a creative inquiry-based instruction program designed to promote active learning and stimulate...
Turn off the TV; it's time for bed
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Prevalent in Nonobese Patients
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Brain Basics: Understanding...
For something as critical to our well being as good sleep, human beings suffer from an amazing number of sleeping disorders. The following Web sites explore just a few of these disorders, starting with a brief introduction to the normal stages of sleep from the Sleep Disorders Center of Central Texas (1). Next, the University of Waterloo offers a fascinating look at sleep paralysis, which many...
Created and maintained by researchers Adam Schneider and G. William Domhoff at the University of California, Santa Cruz, this Website offers scholarly guidance and research on quantifying what many consider the unquantifiable, dreams. Billed as "containing everything needed to conduct scientific studies of dream," the site offers a detailed explanation of content analysis, instructions for coding...
Created as part of the BioEd initiative at the Baylor College of Medicine, this fine guide to the science of sleep and daily rhythms was authored by Nancy P. Moreno, Barbara Z. Tharp, and Gregory L. Vogt. The 32-page document is designed for use in a variety of classrooms, and it contains activities, worksheets, and information about how sleep studies are used to improve performance across a wide...