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Espionage -- United States


FBI Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room

Amendments were made to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1975, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has handled over 300,000 requests and has released over six million pages of FBI documents, in paper format, to the public. For this site, the FBI has made a number of interesting cases available electronically. At present, over 35 files containing thousands of pages are available (.pdf...
Science, Technology and the CIA: A National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book

This release on George Washington University's (GWU) National Security Archive site includes documents related to CIA projects in science and technology. The 44 documents are wide ranging, covering the years 1951-2000 and a broad span of projects from satellite reconnaissance systems to the failed "Acoustic Kitty" project, in which a cat was surgically altered to "become a mobile, eavesdropping...
Shoot Down in Peru: The Secret US Debate Over Intelligence Sharing in Peru and Colombia

Once again, the inestimable National Security Archive (NSA) has created a timely and useful electronic briefing book with declassified documents that shed light on recent events. In this case, the event is the accidental shoot down of a civilian aircraft carrying missionaries in Peru on April 20. The site offers the full text of thirteen declassified documents from 1994 which shed light on...
The Pentagon's Spies: Documents Detail Histories of Once Secret Spy Units

The latest electronic briefing book from the National Security Archive features declassified documents from 1965 to 1995 that offer a glimpse into the Pentagon's human intelligence operations (HUMINT). The page begins with an introduction and brief overview of these operations, and presents abstracts and the full text of 21 documents that chart the creation, evolution, and in some cases, abolition...