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Ecosystem management -- United States


An ambitious plan to study America's ecology begins in earnest

A 30-year plan to study America's ecology is about to begin National Ecological Observatory Network Introduction to Ecology Ecoregions of the Continental United States Biocomplexity...
Bird Conservation Initiatives

Although wildlife management is not the central focus of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) mission, numerous EPA programs complement and support efforts to conserve birds and their habitats. To that end, the Office of Water at the EPA has launched this new Website to point interested users towards related EPA (and other) programs. From wetlands to water quality, the specific EPA sites...
Grand Challenges in Environmental Sciences

This title from the National Academy Press (NAP) is accessible in its entirety online. Requested by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and written by the National Academies's National Research Council, this report identifies and describes eight important areas of environmental research for the next generation. Not in order of importance, these challenges are Biogeochemical Cycles, Biodiversity...
National Estuaries Day

Get the most out of National Estuaries Day (October 5, 2002) by visiting this Web site from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Follow a link to Estuary Live!, which offers online interactive fieldtrips through a number of estuaries around the nation. Guided tours of eight estuaries will be webcast live October 3 and 4, supplemented by videos from a number of other...
National Invasive Species Management Plan

In February 1999, an Executive Order by President Clinton established the National Invasive Species Council (NISC) to take a leadership role in dealing with invasive species issues. As part of that order, NISC has prepared a plan "to minimize the economic and ecological impacts and the harm to animal and human health associated with invasive species." This document, "National Management Plan:...
Restoration Ecology

While not a panacea, the emerging field of restoration ecology provides an important tool for environmental conservation and contributes greatly to our understanding of ecology. The first Web site is the home page of the Society for Ecological Restoration, offering a good starting point for exploring this relatively new discipline (1). The next site (2) provides an overview of the University of...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Ecosystems Research Division

Research at the Environmental Protection Agency's Ecosystems Research Division (ERD) "includes studies of the behavior of contaminants, nutrients, and biota in environmental systems, and the development of mathematical models to assess the response of aquatic systems, watersheds and landscapes to stresses from natural and anthropogenic sources." The ERD website contains information about a wide...
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Invasive Species

The basic definition of an invasive species is "one that is not native to an ecosystem and which causes, or is likely to cause, economic or environmental health or harm to human health." The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is quite concerned with such species, as their primary responsibility is "the conservation of the nation's fish, wildlife, and plants." The materials here are divided into seven...
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

With an organizational history that dates back approximately 30 years, the mission of the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC) is "to provide scientific understanding and the technology needed to support sound management and conservation of our nation's natural resources, with emphasis on western ecosystems." From the Center's homepage, visitors can learn about the valuable work...