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Rain forests -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (2)


Missouri Botanical Garden-Education Division: Exploring the Tropics

Developed by the Education Division at the Missouri Botanical Garden, this self-guided online tour provides students with a good overview of tropical rain forests. The tour utilizes great illustrations and concise sections to discuss interesting topics such as plant adaptations, and animal and plant interactions. Other tutorial topics include rain forest layers, biological diversity, economic...
NASA Earth Observatory: Escape from the Amazon

As part of NASA's Earth Observatory, visitors to the Escape from the Amazon Web site are invited to "Accompany NASA scientists as they explore our world and unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change." The Escape from the Amazon feature focuses on the buildup of carbon dioxide and its effect on global climate change, and the role that forests play in reversing this trend. Also...
Passport to Knowledge: Live from the Rainforest

This featured rainforest website is part of Passport to Knowledge, an ongoing series of "electronic field trips to scientific frontiers." Divided into four sections and aimed at the K-12 level, Live from the Rainforest covers 'GEOsystems' (geographic maps, climate information), ECOsystems (images and information on trees, plants, birds, animals and insects), TEAMS (field researchers and a...
Rainforest Alliance: For Kids and Teachers

The Rainforest Alliance, a non-profit international conservation organization, is dedicated to protecting "ecosystems and the people and wildlife that live within them by implementing better business practices for biodiversity conservation and sustainability." This particular Web page from the Rainforest Alliance offers a number of activities and other learning materials for the classroom, or just...