Children and caregivers looking to celebrate the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere may find delight in this list of "10 Summer Solstice Activities for Children." Compiled in June 2019 by the educational nonprofit Waterford, the list features links to various creative activities meant "to get your children excited about summer." The post begins with a brief background on the...
Michael Karweit of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University created this online laboratory to simulate engineering and science laboratory projects. The site is used in a course entitled What is Engineering?, a beginning science and engineering course. The experiments and exercises use JAVA to create interactive simulations. Certain experiments also include MPEG movie...
Learn how to build your own backyard weather station with complete directions provided by's Web site, Backyard Weather Stations. The site shows exactly what you'll need and how to build the necessary components (e.g., rain gauge and barometer), as well as how to keep records of the data collected. Parents and teachers will enjoy watching the kids "learn the basics of scientific...
The Discovery Channel promotes student participation in science fairs at this appealing, vibrant website. Users can find a terrific, thorough guide to creating science fair projects, including project ideas and lists of books and external web sites for students to utilize during their research. Students can find tip sheets for projects in many science subjects including astronomy, chemistry, and...
ExploraNet is provided by the Exploratorium, located in San Francisco, California. It includes hands-on scientific experiments, exhibits, and "Ten Cool Sites" for the month. Current and past issues of Exploratorium's What's New in the World can be searched or browsed. The site also contains a "Digital Library" which has past images, sounds, exhibits, and Web cams. It also features educational...
People in the Bay Area love to cook, and that can mean mixing up everything from home-grown arugula to free trade pumpkins. The good folks at San Francisco's Exploratorium have cooked up the Iron Science Teacher presentations in an attempt to bring together the worlds of science and the culinary arts. To no one's surprise, they have succeeded, and the results include a fine mix of science...
The Funology Web site hopes to teach kids how to make things, explore the world, and discover skills they never knew they had. The site contains pages of science facts, quizzes, games, experiments, and more. In particular, the laboratory page contains links to simple experiments kids can attempt at home on physics, chemistry, biology, and weather topics. The activities -- such as water bending...
Newton's Apple, the award-winning national science program for kids, has a companion Web site with lots of good lesson plans and activities. The Science Try Its page contains hands-on science activities from the past six seasons of shows, including such things as making a barometer and a hovercraft. Each Try It includes a description, illustration, and explanation of the science behind the result....
ZOOM is PBS's award-winning daily interactive television series and 3,000 page Web site. The site challenges young kids to spend less time in front of the television screen and more time in front of the computer screen -- learning, growing, and interacting with their peers. Behind each entertaining half hour PBS episode is a curriculum developed by leading educators and advisors. ZOOM's...
This PBS website supplements the TV series "Rough Science," where "five scientists are challenged to put their collective scientific knowledge to practical use." The scientists travel to the Mediterranean, Carriacou, New Zealand, and Death Valley. For each adventure, the website offers a series of challenges such as generating electricity, making soap, making paper and pen, and developing a metal...