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Genetics -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (1)
Aids and devices. (2)
Audio-visual aids. (1)


Bench to Blackboard

Created as a joint initiative from the Baylor College of Medicine and Scitable by Nature Education, "Bench to Blackboard" offers up interactive modules that explore genetics via interactive quizzes, worksheets, and a range of additional thoughtful materials. The materials here are suitable for "educators and all life-long learners" and they are divided into two areas: "Key Advances in Genetics"...
Bioinformatics Activity Bank

This resource is designed for educators hoping to teach students about the world of biotechnology and bioinformatics, and the lesson plans here are top-notch. The lessons span a variety of topics, including applied mathematics, DNA, and genetics. Visitors can scroll through six sections, including Organisms and Evolution or Proteins and Proteomics. Visitors can scroll through each area, keeping in...
Biological ESTEEM

Introducing students to different software packages and applications for use in biology and math courses can be quite a challenge. With that in mind, teachers in these areas will definitely appreciate this rather helpful site from the people at the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library. These particular simulations and tools draw heavily on Microsoft Excel, so users will need to make sure that...
Concord Consortium: Biologica

This well-designed, interactive website features BioLogica, "a hypermodel for teaching high school genetics" that was developed over a four-year period "with support from the National Science Foundation." The site allows the user to try out two Sample Web Labs, and to interact with colorful, artsy 3D models that "show cell structure and function, as well as DNA molecular structure and assembly."...
DNA from the Beginning: An Animated Primer on the Basics of DNA, Genes and Hereditary

Maintained by the Cold Spring Harbor Research Laboratory and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, this animated DNA primer (last mentioned in the February 19, 1999 Scout Report) now has three major sections -- Classical Genetics, Molecular Genetics, and Genetic Organization and Control. Each section covers several concepts by description and in animation, along with interviews and biographies of...
DNA Interactive

Fifty years ago, one of the most important landmarks in the history of science was reached when James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double-helical structure of DNA. Developed by the Dolan DNA Learning Center at the legendary Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this Web site provides a host of interactive exhibits and background material about DNA, the human genome project, and the various...
Exploring Genes & Genetic Disorders

More and more excellent data continues to be produced by the Human Genome Project, and a number of government organizations have created top-notch educational resources based on this information. The Gene Gateway website was originally produced as a companion to the Human Genome Landmarks poster and has evolved into a "collection of guides and tutorials designed to help students and other novice...
Gene You: Genetics and Inheritance

How do gene patterns affect our lives? Geneticists learn new things everyday about such matters and young people (and others) can bask in this fascinating knowledge via the Baylor College of Medicine's Gene You project. Funding for the project comes from the Science Education Partnership Award program at the National Institutes of Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The content includes...
Genes, Health and Society

The BioEd Online initiative at the Baylor College of Medicine has distinguished itself over the past few years by offering up lesson plans, slide sets, presentations, and other classroom materials for biology teachers and the generally curious. One of the recent additions to the site is "Genes, Health and Society," an online course designed for undergraduate students, classroom educators, and...
Genetic Science Learning Center (GSLC)

The University of Utah's Genetic Science Learning Center offers "excellent genetic science curriculum, training, and resources" through virtual (Internet-based curriculum) and actual (training programs for classroom teachers) programs. Two of the Website's main sections may be of special interest to educators: Basic Genetics (introductory materials) and Thematic Units (curriculum information). The...
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