USAID, the US Agency for International Development, has recently released a key document online. This document, the agency's annual report, can be downloaded as a single document or by chapter in .pdf format. The report evaluates the progress of USAID programs in over 100 countries worldwide. Chapters explore topics such as Economic Growth and Agricultural Development; Population, Health and...
The US Agency for International Development's Development Experience Clearinghouse has recently made its Development Experience System (DEXS) available via the web. DEXS "is a family of bibliographic databases that contains records for about 100,000 Agency technical and program documents" from 1942 to the present. The database is split into two parts, 1942-86, and 1987-present. Information can be...
Under the banner of “Engaging Citizens, Empowering Communities”, the Eurasia Foundation is a non-profit organization supported by the United States Agency for International Development. Incorporated in 1992, the Eurasia Foundation has made over $335 million in grants to countries in the region, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, and Georgia. In general, the Foundation works within...
Recently announced by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), this site offers fast and easy access to recent fact sheets and updates from the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). These are accessed via pull-down menus organized by country and emergency. For example, there are separate entries for floods and Cyclone Hudah for Southern Africa. The bulletins are presented in...