The 2002 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) was held toward the end of September, and nearly 200 papers presented at the conference are provided at this Web site. Professionals from all over the world, representing industry and academia, contributed their research and ideas. Most, if not all, of the papers are in English, with topics ranging from analog and digital circuits to...
Six massive volumes comprise this comprehensive online reference of electric circuits. The first three volumes cover analog circuits, including direct current, alternating current, and semiconductors. Digital systems are the topic of the fourth volume, and a quick reference guide to frequently used equations and practices constitutes the fifth. Each volume can be downloaded as a single file for...
The Transistor Museum is a fascinating site "dedicated to preserving the history of the greatest invention of the 20th century." The museum's front page mentions some remarkable facts and quotes that demonstrate the importance of the transistor in modern life. Visitors can read transcripts of lectures, oral histories, and short biographies of notable individuals who played a role in the...
Hosted by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in collaboration with the American Institute of Physics and ScienCentral, Inc., this handsome Website serves as a companion to an upcoming PBS documentary, Transistorized!, to be aired November 8, 1999. The searchable site offers in-depth background to the history and science of transistors. An Interactives section includes a rubic's cube type of...