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Electronics -- Technological innovations.


Christian Science Monitor: Technology

The Christian Science Monitor has offered innovative and thoughtful news coverage for over a century. Its website has a number of fascinating nooks and crannies, and the Innovation area is a real find. On this site, visitors can look over the Innovation news feed, which brings together pieces on a plethora of topics, including new online music sharing programs, patent information, and new apps....
IEEE: Power Electronics Society (PELS)

IEEE's Power Electronics Society (PELS) "helps in the development and effective application of power electronics technology." Power electronics is definted as "the application of electronic circuits to energy conversion," which is used "everywhere you look," including in computers automobiles, telecommunications, space systems and satellites motors, lighting, and alternative energy. The PELS...
Papers: Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology

The Foresight Institute has made available links to full papers submitted to the Sixth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology. This conference was held November 12-15, 1998, in Santa Clara, California.