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A Simple Plan: E.L. Trudeau, the Rabbit Island Experiment, and Tuberculosis Treatment

The University at Buffalo's National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science is a well-known resource in the promotion, development, and dissemination of case teaching methods and practices, offering users access to an award-winning collection of peer-reviewed case studies. This case study, written by biologist Karen M. Aguirre, introduces students to the 19th century physician E.L. Trudeau and...
American Dietetic Association

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) is an online resource for nutrition and health that offers a vast amount of information on attaining and maintaining a healthy life style. This Web site offers everything from nutrition and health tips, to a complete food and nutrition guide, to books and other resources. Furthermore, ADA has a national referral service that links consumers, physicians, food...
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center

This Web page, from the US Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Research Service, features information about research being conducted at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Center. Twenty-one research projects are currently highlighted, each has a page that includes a description of the research project and links to annual reports, researcher information, and publications associated with the study.
Cancer Statistics, 2003

This Web site contains a recent report on cancer statistics prepared by the American Cancer Society (ACS) that uses incidence data from the National Cancer Institute and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. The report offers "an up-to-date perspective on the occurrence of cancer" in the United States, including cancer frequency, incidence, mortality, and survival...
CDC: Public Health Genomics

Created in 1997, the Office of Public Health Genomics (OPHG) was established "to integrate genomics into public health research, policy, and programs, which could improve interventions designed to prevent and control the country's leading chronic, infectious, environmental, and occupational diseases." Visitors to the site should start by looking over their "Focus Areas", which include "Genomics...
Center for Disease Control Diabetes Public Health Resource

As more and more Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, this resource page that is provided by the Center for Disease Control will be of great help to persons with diabetes and those hoping to learn how to prevent the onset of this condition. The site includes important fact sheets (updated for the year 2002) about the increase in diabetes over the past decade and detailed explanation of the four...
Child Health USA 2000

Released on October 16, this new report from the Health Resources and Services Administration examines 59 health status indicators and service needs of America's children. Topics covered include children's health insurance coverage, infant mortality, low birth weight, vaccinations, adolescent birth rates, sexually transmitted diseases and pediatric AIDS. The full text of the report can be...
Epidemiological Information on Bioterrorism

"...bioterrorism thrives on public fear." Dr. Ralph R. Frerichs of the UCLA School of Public Health maintains this Web site to educate students, the public, and health professionals about the public health impact of bioterrorism. The site offers links to recent articles about the public health threat of biological weapons and information about various diseases associated with possible biological...
From Wallet to Waistline: The Hidden Costs of Supersizing

Sponsored by the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity, this 14-page report documents the immense health risks that may result because of the ubiquity of "value" meals proffered by fast-food outlets. During the first week of May 2002, members of the National Alliance gathered pricing data of various convenience foods and meals in Washington DC, Des Moines, Little Rock, Sacramento, and...
Go Ask Alice!

Some readers may be wondering aloud: "Who is Alice, and why do I want to ask her anything?� Well, "Alice" is in fact a team of Columbia University health educators, health care providers, and specialists from health-related organizations worldwide. "Alice" was created in 1993 at Columbia, and is one of the longest-running health question and answer websites. As one might surmise, the site...
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