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World War, 1939-1945 -- Posters


American Posters of World War One, from the collection of Roger N. Mohovich

The Special Collections Department at Georgetown University opened this show of posters on November 11th, 1999, to coincide with the 81st anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War I. The exhibition Website is simply designed, presenting the posters as one long list of captioned thumbnails that link to larger views. An introductory essay discusses the posters and the artists and printing...
Northwestern University Library: The World War II Poster Collection

The Northwestern University Library's World War II Poster Collection contains 338 posters issued by the U.S. government in an attempt to garner support for the war effort between 1941 and 1945. To view the posters, select "Search the Collection" from the landing page. The items will then appear in rows, ten to each page. Readers may like to scout the posters at random, where they will find...
World War I & World War II Propaganda Posters

The horrors of war are many and the fighting often extends to the homefront via various forms of propaganda. This magnificent collection from Brandeis University brings together 87 propaganda posters from World Wars I & II in glorious color and equally glorious black and white. The posters deal with a number of themes, including the work of the Red Cross, the subscription of Liberty, and Victory...
World War I and II Poster Collection

War posters from World War I and II encouraged the people of the nations at war to buy war bonds, plant gardens, ration, enlist, or work extra hard for the sake of the war effort. A collection of these posters can be found in abundance on the library website of the University of North Texas. The library has over 600 war posters, and fortunately, 493 of them are digitized. Some are quaint by...