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Watershed management

California (1)
Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) (1)
Research (3)
Software (1)
Study and teaching (4)
United States (4)
Virginia (1)


A Review of Statewide Watershed Management Approaches

A report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was recently released entitled A Review of Statewide Watershed Management Approaches. The objectives of the review were to identify and describe the different models of statewide watershed management, characterize and assess the experiences of selected states using different models for statewide watershed management, and develop...
Birds: Bellwethers of Watershed Health

This useful educational resource was recently added to the EPA's Watershed Academy Website (first reviewed in the January 19, 2000 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). Described as "bellwethers" (indicators) of watershed health, birds are introduced here -- from their basic ecology to conservation needs. Color graphics and concise paragraphs present each topic, and the site is loaded with...
C-SAW: Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds

"The goal for C-SAW is to transfer knowledge and skills to watershed groups or local sponsors thereby helping to build their capacity to plan and conduct watershed assessments, and conduct post-implementation monitoring." Users can learn about the technical assistance provided by C-SAW, including watershed specific assistance, mentoring, and water quality education available to eligible groups in...
The Center for Watershed Protection

The Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) "provides local governments, activists, and watershed organizations around the country with the technical tools for protecting some of the nation's most precious natural resources: our streams, lakes, and rivers." The CWP website offers a number of online, open-access resources, including technical reports, case studies and watershed assessment protocols....
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Surf Your Watershed

This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website allows users to locate, use and share environmental information about their state and watershed. Using the interactive map, users can locate their watershed and discover geologic, chemical, and geographical information. Visitors can learn how to adopt a watershed and locate citizen-based groups. The Watershed Atlas provides data and...
US EPA: Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection

The Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection page is a part of the Environmental Protection Agency's Watershed Academy Web site. Visitors are able to search the database of financial assistance sources available -- which include grants, loans, and cost-sharing programs -- to fund all types of watershed protection projects. Search criteria include Type of Assistance, Eligible...
Watershed Ecology

Another informative Web site from the Environmental Protection Agency is the Online Training in Watershed Management page. Here, citizens have access to a wealth of information and tools to help them understand and protect their water resources. Six "modules" are offered, each of which take between a half to two hours to complete. They are organized by theme including an Introduction, watershed...
Wetlands Functions and Values

This learning module on wetland functions and values is the newest addition to the EPA's Watershed Academy Website (first reviewed in the January 19, 2000 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). The module explores the ecological and societal benefits and values that wetlands provide, such as "fish and wildlife habitats, natural water quality improvement, flood storage, shoreline erosion...