Created and maintained as an independent project by Preston Hunter, this site offers a large collection of statistics on religion, currently totalling more than 44,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations for "over 4,000 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc." While deep, the site offers these...
Religion and ethics are some of the most debated areas of the human experience around the world, so it is fitting that the BBC has created this online clearinghouse of relevant information and news coverage about these two complex topics. The site contains a number of general interest sections that provide rich discussion of various world religions and a number of subjects in the field of ethics,...
"Independent from any religious group, Church, denomination or association, CESNUR, the Center for Studies on New Religions, is an international network of associations of scholars working in the field of new religious movements." Their Website features an extensive and frequently updated library of scholarly texts on a seemingly exhaustive list of new religious movements of any size and scale....
Affiliated with Hartford Seminary, this Website promises to become a significant resource for scholars in the field of sociological research on religion. The site currently features articles, studies, descriptions of methodology, and other scholarly materials for the topics of women and religion, church growth/ decline, religion and the family, religion and the Web, congregational studies,...