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Communicable diseases -- Prevention.


CDC Features: Data & Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes reams of data every day of the year, and this website is a nice place to find germane information quickly with relatively little fuss. At the top of the page, visitors can view press releases that digest recent findings on depression, cancer deaths, the norovirus illness, and brain injury. These reports date back to June 2007, and...
Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

The National Immunization Program of the US Centers for Disease Control provides this professionally-oriented manual, originally used in conjunction with a satellite video conference on the topic. At present, four of the five sections of the manual are available online. The heart of the manual consists of its fourteen disease-related chapters, covering diphtheria, hepatitis, influenza, measles,...
MicroMatters: Microbiology

The BioEdOnline website provides those persons with a penchant for biology and medicine access to dozens of lesson plans, videos, and other activities. This particular set of materials is part of the thematic Resource Collections area, and it includes two curricular units from the MicroMatters project. The units are "The Science of Microbes" and "The Science of HIV/AIDS." The resources were...
The Jordan Report 2000: Accelerated Development of Vaccines

On March 2, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) released its latest report on the state of vaccine research and development. This edition of the Jordan Report "highlights the triumphs of vaccinology during the 20th century and the ways in which new technologies promise better vaccines against both old and new disease-causing organisms." Prepared by 24 scientists from...
World Health Report 1999

The World Health Organization (WHO) released their 1999 report on the state of the World's Health. Citing successes in the decline of mortality and an increase in health and economic productivity for much of the world, the report balances its good news with analysis of continuing problems of malnutrition, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, and tobacco use in much of the developing world. Data...