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Hispanic Americans

Civilization. (1)
Colorado (1)
Economic conditions (4)
Education (2)
Education (Higher) (1)
Ethnic identity (1)
Health and hygiene (4)
History (7)
Language (1)
Middle West. (1)
New Mexico (1)
Religion (1)
Social conditions (2)
Southern states (1)
Statistics (7)
United States (1)


American Family: Journey of Dreams

The term "family" is one that continues to be highly debated, both in terms of its societal importance and in terms of its shifting definition across generations. Exploring one family's experience in the United States is the remarkable PBS program American Family, which profiles a multigenerational family living in Los Angeles. This well-designed site allows visitors to learn about the series and...
Hispanics and Health Care in the United States: Access, Information, and Knowledge

There is a growing health care crisis in the United States and some groups are particularly vulnerable. This August 2008 report from the Pew Hispanic Center looks into the challenges faced by Hispanics in terms of their access and information about health care, and their findings will be of great use to public health researchers, journalists, and others. The 81-page report was written by Gretchen...
Pueblo, USA: How Latino Immigration is Changing America

Latino immigration continues to transform the United States in many ways, and it isn't just in the Southwest or California that these changes are occurring. Siler City, North Carolina and Minneapolis, Minnesota are just two of the seemingly unlikely places where one can glimpse this transformation to the American landscape. This offering from the American RadioWorks organization takes a heartfelt...
The Pew Hispanic Center

Founded by The Pew Charitable Trusts in 2001, the Pew Hispanic Center is located in Washington, D.C., and has as its prime mission "to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the entire nation." To achieve this goal, the Center has embarked on a number of ambitious projects, including a regular program of research papers, performing an...
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center

Established in 1969, the Chicano Studies Research Center at UCLA places a premium on "interdisciplinary and collaborative research that analyzes issues critical to the knowledge of Chicano and Latino communities in the United States." Visitors to their site will find information on their ongoing research projects, such as the Mexican-American Study Project, a 30-year longitudinal and...