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(2 classifications) (4 resources)

Hazardous waste sites

Management (6)
United States (6)


View Resource Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: ToxFAQs

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) provides this website to educate the public about contaminants found at hazardous waste sites. The information for each substance is presented as an easy to understand fact sheet. The materials are written in English and Spanish and can be viewed in standard HTML format or in the pdf format. Users can find out the basic characteristics...
View Resource Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska

The Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment Web site offers a wide array of helpful information and data on the extensive hazardous site cleanup program. Besides up-to-date news and stories, visitors will find official definitions of Brownfields, information on grants, laws and regulations, publications, and more. Perhaps the most helpful to professionals would be...
View Resource RCRA Cleanup Reforms

Concerns over the progress in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) cleanup efforts since 1984 have prompted the Environmental Protection Agency to publish "RCRA Cleanup Reforms," which describes the implementation process of these administrative reforms.
View Resource U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -- Superfund: Cleaning up the Nation's Hazardous Waste Sites

Citizen concern over the extent of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the United States "led Congress to establish the Superfund Program in 1980 to locate, investigate, and clean up the worst sites nationwide." At this website, users can discover the history of the program and its great accomplishments. Visitors can learn about safety tips, the emergency response program, and the...