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Archaeology and history -- United States

Periodicals (3)


Chinese Historical Society

Archaeological digs can tell us much about ancient civilizations, but what about more recent periods of human habitation? This fine collection from the USC Digital Library presents over 1,100 images of artifacts excavated from two sites in Southern California. The Chinatown section features 1,040 color images of artifacts from the original Los Angeles Chinatown. These items were recovered during...
NOVA: Mystery of the Megaflood

More than 75 years ago, Professor J. Harlan Bretz of the University of Chicago began to explore the dusty scablands of eastern Washington in an attempt to learn more about this rather unique area and also to determine how this land was transformed over time. Bretz soon came to the conclusion that the scablands were not the result of slow geological weathering, but rather the result of a massive...