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Aging -- Genetic aspects -- Research


Geron Corporation

Geron Corporation is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in therapeutic and diagnostic products for age-related diseases. Geron owns several telomerase related patents. Calvin B. Harley of Geron is one of the co-authors of the Science article. Their page describes programs and products related to cellular aging and Cancer Therapeutics. There has been a recent finding regarding telomerase, a...
Mice Offer Lessons on Aging

The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Science Beat offers interesting feature articles about research from Berkeley lab and partner organizations. This article offers a fascinating look at aging research utilizing transgenic mice -- an inquiry into "the genetic roots of aging in everyone." The article includes Web links to related material from the institutions participating in these research...
The X Prize Foundation issues a new challenge to the scientific community

An X Prize for faster human genome sequencing The X Prize Foundation: Now count to a hundred California Foundation Announces $10 Million Genetic Prize X PRIZE...