_Frontiers_ is the electronic version of the National Science Foundation's print journal of the same name. Frontiers is released each month and covers work funded by the NSF, including topics in math, science, engineering, and educational programs. Public policy issues affecting the NSF, research, and education are also covered.
The National Science Foundation publishes the NSF Current in order to inform the public about its research and education efforts. On this site, visitors can view the newest issue, along with all of the issues dating back to 2005. The material covered here is wonderfully diverse, from work on the South Pole Observatory, to advancements in creating artificial retinas, to a history of the National...
What is the mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF)? This nine-page document released by the NSF in April 2013 provides an elegant and thoughtful answer to this query. As the first page notes, "We support all fields of fundamental science and engineering, keeping our nation's scientific enterprise focused on the furthest frontiers of research." The piece goes on to talk about the NSF's...