Exploring the Environment (ETE), a NASA Classroom of the Future hosted by Wheeling Jesuit University, aims to teach high school students collaborative scientific inquiry and analysis through use of remote sensing technology and the Internet. The modules contain introductory activities to familiarize users with remote sensing software and images. Twelve modules are divided into three categories,...
This resource from the Teach Engineering website is designed to help students learn about water quality testing and basic water treatment designs. This resource was created by scientists at the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program in the College of Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Users will find ten different sections that cover the learning objectives, vocabulary,...
The US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Website provides many educational resources for K-12 teachers. A recently posted one is the "What's Up With Our Nation's Water?" page, looking at how water quality is measured, what toxins are found in drinking water, and defining wetlands and groundwater. Highlights include a "What can I do?" section and suggested science projects. Colorful artwork...