Sponsored by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Becoming Webwise is an online course for the novice Internet user that wants to learn at his/her own pace. The course consists of eight sections that take users through the Internet basics in a simple and easy-to-follow format. Becoming WebWise covers topics such as getting connected, emailing, searching, bookmarking, creating address books,...
The February 1998 End User's Corner discusses techniques and strategies for keeping track of changes on one's favorite sites. Reviewing the popular Web resources, the article discusses how users can make sure they are notified when the content of Web pages change.
In this guide to locating resources on the Internet, the author describes online catalogs and directories. The methods of information gathering and modes of organization of the major resources such as Yahoo! are described.
The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) User Agent Accessibility Guidelines, part of their Web Accessibility Initiative, address how to design user agents such as Web browsers that make the Web more accessible for people with disabilities. The guidelines focus on the accessibility of interfaces and internal facilities as well as communication with other technologies. These September 12, 2001...