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Computer animation

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3-D Simulations

Three-dimensional (3-D) rendering and animation technology is not only used for entertainment, but also for research and educational purposes. The technology can be used for purposes of scientific simulation in fields such as physics, biology, or chemistry. For example, Stanford University's Folding@home project (1) uses 3-D simulations and distributed computing to study protein folding,...

Alice is a free "3D interactive graphics programming environment" developed at Carnegie Mellon University. The Windows-based authoring tool includes a program from a professor at the University of Tokyo that allows the user to create 3D models. Alice is then used to paint the objects, which can be included in Web sites and viewed by anyone with the free browser plug-in. The tools are known for...
Animal Algorithm Animation Tool

Guido Rößling, who works for the Rechnerbetriebsgruppe (Computer Support Center) of the Department of Computer Science at the Darmstadt University of Technology, has created this website about ANIMAL. ANIMAL is a general-purpose animation tool with a current focus on algorithm animation. Posted on this website are the animations, including screenshots, classification and description, a user guide,...

Animation is making a splash with the recent box office hit, Shrek 2. This Topic in Depth explores how animation works, it's history and the entertaining as well as academic applications of animation. The first website provides a basic overview of digital cinema (1). More information on animation can be found on the second website (2). Digital Media FX provides this history (3 ) of animation. The...
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques

Designed as an educational reference for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, this site confers information about computer animation techniques. The site's author, Dr. Richard Parent, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science at the Ohio State University, gives a thorough overview with topics ranging from the history of computer animation to hardware and software...
Flash Kit

Flash, a Web browser plug-in developed by Macromedia, is one of the most common applications for creating animated objects and effects in a Web site. This site has a wealth of tutorials and general information about "Flash and related technologies." There are literally hundreds of tutorials for both novices and experienced users. The introductory items explain concepts like basic graphics and...
NFB Interactive: Bla Bla

What does it mean to interact with art? To communicate? And what unique wrinkles may develop as an exploration of these questions is designed specifically for a computer? The National Film Board commissioned Vincent Morisset to create this interactive tale, and it is an experience that warrants several return trips. Morisset has a rather fascinating resume, as he has worked on creating music...

As more and more films use visual effects throughout their running time, movie fans continue to clamor for more information about how the process of creating such effects works and what types of challenges might be encountered during such a process. In an attempt to offer a look inside this world, Ian Failes, an Australian lawyer, has created this Vfxblog, which is a weblog that offers interviews...