Chronicon is a new electronic journal of history published by the Department of History at University College Cork, Ireland. Chronicon publishes articles relating to all periods of history, but with a particular focus on Irish history. The journal is slated to contain reviews of publications and notices of scholarly developments and provide a scholars' forum. "Each volume will appear at the start...
This site from the Journal of American History will feature digital resources that help "bridge the gap between the latest scholarly research in U.S. history and the practice of classroom teaching." The authors of the featured articles will provide tips, documents, and other materials to demonstrate how their work might be taught in an undergraduate US history survey. The first article is...
Published since 1998, this free, peer-reviewed online journal is "dedicated to the study of Northwestern Europe from the Late Roman Empire to the advent of the Norman Empire." To date, four issues have been published, all of which are available online. In addition to articles, each issue contains a forum, Website and book reviews, and a digest of recent archaeological news. The main site also...